
User account guide

How to Deactivate / Delete my Mrtehran Account?

We appreciate your support and use of Mrtehran. If you have decided to leave Mrtehran, we are very sad, but we hope that this is not the final goodbye. After deleting your Mrtehran account, you have 30 days to reactivate your account. After the end of 30 days, all information and data of your user account will be deleted and cannot be recovered. To reactivate it, just log in to your account again within 30 days. To deactivate your account, proceed with the following steps:

Android app
1. Under Your Library tab, Tap Account button
2. Tap Delete Account button
3. Type (Delete my account) to confirm
4. Tap Deactivate and Delete account button

Screenshots to help:

mrtehran delete account screenshot 1mrtehran delete account screenshot 2mrtehran delete account screenshot 3

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